Hurricane Helene hit close to home. Thankfully everyone in my circle are okay, even if they may be facing some unknowns with their mountain properties.
Natural disasters can be devastating and even if you don't live in the affected area, it can still elicit an emotional response.
What does emotional resilience look like in moments after a storm or after any terrible event you hear about on the news?
For most of us who are not directly impacted by an event, emotional resilience is being able to hold space of loving compassion, but not get stuck or caught up in the anxiety of what is happening in our world. If you are being called to help in some way, then offer your solutions, being in the joy of your calling. Your resilience shows up in the strength to hold space for other's trauma response, with the intention to offer healing, and not have it negatively impact your own emotions. Make sense?
If you are directly impacted: feel what you feel, bask in the gratitude that you are alive, and take it one step at a time towards getting back to a new normal- NO MATTER HOW LONG IT TAKES. Emotional resilience in this scenario is being able to function competently, despite the extreme stress, and figuring out a way to move forward.
If you are finding yourself emotionally drained and yet you are not directly impacted by Helene or other traumatic news stories, this may be a time to take a break from information coming at you and unplug. Gain perspective with all that is wonderful around you; filling your cup back up with goodness and joy. A full and rested emotional cup of love can pour some of that positive energy back into the darker corners of the world.
I'm wishing you all safety and well-being!
Dr. Lexi