Before reaching for a homeopathic remedy, one must first understand what a homeopathic remedy is. They are basically plants, minerals, metals, microbes, or even venom from animals that go through a series of extreme dilutions to the point that the only thing left is water and the “energetic properties” of that substance. The philosophy is that you match the homeopathic remedy to the state of being that would match the remedies’ presentation. An example would be a bee sting. You would give the homeopathic Apis which is bee venom to help soothe and heal the bee sting site. Think of it like anti-venom for a snake bite...in a way. Each remedy has it’s own descriptions and states of being and you do your best to choose the right one for the patient. For many people, including some practitioners, homeopathy can be very difficult to “believe” in or trust but I can assure that with my own story and seeing how it works in other patients, there is something to this form medicine.
When pairing a remedy to the correct circumstance (Like curing Like), homeopathy can work beautifully. But by simply saying, “Oh, I have a fever so I should take this remedy” isn’t the way of thinking about homeopathy. People with fevers can have different presentations. For example, someone might have a high fever with a sudden onset which makes them really grouchy and restless. Others might have a fever that’s not so high but they’re really fatigued. This is precisely why it’s so difficult to research in double and double placebo circumstances. That being said, there have been studies successfully done in this way which is very exciting. Also, what makes homeopathy difficult is finding the one remedy that fits the case.
Luckily, “modern” homeopathic remedies come with blends or combinations of a few remedies. When these combinations work, it’s usually working because one of the remedies in the formula is the one that’s helping.
One final note: Nosodes are also used in infectious disease and vaccine related diseases. An example is Influenzinum with is the homeopathic for the Flu virus. I have given the nosode of MRSA with much success.
Combinations to consider on the market:
Oscillococcinum- Really great remedy for the flu, body aches, high fever, and chills.
Muco occilinum – Great for colds and flus. This actually contains a few Nosodes.
Drainage Tone by Energetix: head congestion, sinus congestion, stuck mucous, swollen glands
I would combine Drainage Tone with Lymph Tone III for muscle aches and pains, joint pain, sleep issues or Lymph Tone II By Energetix for fatigue, wandering pain, swollen glands
For Single Remedies:
Aconite Sudden onset, anxious, restless, high fever
Arnica achey and sore all over, wants to be left alone, head is hot but the body is cold
Arscencum Album GI Flu, very chilly, extreme weakness, Flu with nausea
Allium Cepa sneezing, dripping nose, teary eyes, Hayfever, Colds, watery discharges. (this is onion so think about what happens when you cut up an onion)
Baptisia Severe Flu with sudden onset, very restless and anxious, almost incoherent, very thirsty
Belladona Sudden onset, high fever, red in the face, eyes are dilated, really bad headache
Gelsemium Droopy, drowsy, Dizzy, (think 7 dwarfs)
Carbo Veg bed ridden, extremely weak, severe flu cases where they can’t get out of bed, their cold and depleted
*Drosera Whooping cough, dry spasmodic coughs, hoarsness, laryngitis, sometime cough so much you vomit.
Euphrasia Runny nose, day-time allergic cough
Ferrum Phos First stages of Colds and Flus, SORE THROAT, BRONCHITIS, Nose Bleeds
Hepar Colds, chilly, earaches, CROUP, hates drafts
Ipecacuanha (Ipec) Nausea and Vomiting, great for “stomach bugs”
Kali Bichromicum (K-Bic) Upper Respiratory infections, sinusitis, thick and stringy mucous
Pulsatilla Colds with profuse yellow discharges, very whiney, weepy, clingy, change-ability in the presentation.
Spongia (SPONG) Dry, croupy, hacking cough, weak, laryngitis, sore throat,
Veratrum Alb (V-Alb) profuse vomiting AND diarrhea followed by exhaustion, craves cold water which is then vomited.
**PLEASE Note: If symptoms worsen, please see your doctor. As a reminder, homeopathy does work but matching the correct remedy is key. Lastly, there are wonderful herbal remedies for Colds and Flu as well. I like to do the shot gun approach which is load up on a little bit of everything: herbs, rest, hydrotherapy, acupuncture, homeopathy, and supplements.
Resource: Dr. Durr Elmore, ND, D.C. LaC, class notes in Homeopathy 3, Bastyr University; Natural Health Supply, Emergency Remedy Kit